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Your Holiday Gift Improves Lives


Dear Friend of LIHI,

We wish you and your family Happy Holidays!

We are so grateful to you for helping homeless women, men and children access shelter, housing and friendly places to shower and wash their clothes. Thank you if you have already made a year end gift to LIHI. We appreciate you!

For over 30 years we have developed and implemented innovative solutions to the affordable housing and homelessness crisis. Because of your support, this year we were able to offer more than 10,000 people a safe place to sleep, access to hygiene services, and a path out of homelessness, all while continuing to operate in unprecedented pandemic conditions.

We are grateful to you for helping support the Urban Rest Stops, 18 tiny house villages, and over 3,000 units of affordable housing. Here is just some of the work you help us accomplish:

TINY HOUSES & SHELTERS – With new villages this year in Tukwila and Seattle’s Rainier Beach neighborhood we now have 18 villages, along with enhanced shelters in Tacoma and Bitterlake, bringing us to over 800 shelter beds that will shelter over 2,000 people a year. LIHI case managers help villagers connect with housing, education, jobs and health care. 63% of the people living in tiny houses in King County villages move to long-term housing. Each house is insulated and heated and costs $4,500 in materials to build!

AFFORDABLE HOUSING – This year we completed the lease-up of 106 units at George Fleming Place. We opened the 93-unit Dockside Apartments in the Greenlake neighborhood and acquired the Heron Apartments in Tacoma and the Harvard Lofts on Capitol Hill, making a total of 10 buildings where LIHI used State Dept. of Commerce Rapid Capital Housing Acquisition and other funds to purchase brand new market rate buildings and existing hotels to quickly provide housing and shelter for homeless people. Opening soon will be the 22-unit Sand Point Cottages in Magnuson Park. In the pipeline we have the 104-unit Nesbit Family Housing in the Greenlake neighborhood, the 148-unit MLK Mixed Use in the Othello neighborhood, a 147-unit project in Tacoma’s Lincoln District, the 86-unit Good Shepherd Housing in the Central Area, and the two-building New Hope Family Housing in the Central Area in partnership with New Hope Community Development Institute.

SHOWERS, RESTROOMS, and LAUNDRY for homeless people at Urban Rest Stops in downtown Seattle and Ballard. Sixty percent of the homeless people we serve are working part- or full-time. The Urban Rest Stops help them keep their jobs, apply for housing, and maintain their health and dignity. While the City of Seattle is the main funder of the Urban Rest Stops, we have to raise over $200,000 in private donations each year to fund operations. Your gift helps thousands of people with critically needed hygiene services.

THOUSANDS OF VOLUNTEERS have donated their time and talent in 2022 to build and paint tiny houses, set up villages and help out at the Urban Rest Stops. Many built tiny houses at the Hope Factory with our partner Sound Foundations NW, while others built them in their yards and driveways. Special thanks to the employees of Amazon Web Services (AWS) for helping to fund and build new tiny houses.

YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS make LIHI’s Tiny House Villages, Urban Rest Stops, and Supportive Service programs possible. These programs help us go the extra mile: a warm shower at the Urban Rest Stop can lead to a successful job or apartment interview; a tiny house can keep a family safe and warm while looking for housing and employment; experienced case managers can help navigate bureaucracies and prepare our homeless neighbors for a better life. Without your donations, these programs would not be possible.

Please consider a Holiday Gift to support life-changing programs. Your donation can be designated specifically for Urban Rest Stops, Supportive Services, Tiny Houses, Affordable Housing or Greatest Need. Let us know.

Mail checks to:

LIHI Fund Development

1253 S. Jackson St., Suite A

Seattle, WA 98144

Or make an online donation.


1 commentaire

Janet Locane
Janet Locane
12 févr.

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1253 S Jackson St, Suite A

Seattle, WA 98144

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