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Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Inslee prioritizes housing, homelessness in 2023


Dr. King speaks in front of the New Friendship Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois in August of 1966.

LIHI's guiding philosophy comes directly from Dr. Martin Luther King: "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" As we honor Dr. King's life and legacy this Monday, LIHI remains dedicated to his mission of service for others and dignity for all. In a 1966 address as part of Chicago's Open Housing Movement, he said: "We are here today because we are tired. We are tired of paying more for less. We are tired of living in rat infested slums... Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God's children." His message rings true today.

Inslee prioritizes housing, homelessness in 2023

Governor Inslee expresses his support for tiny homes at LIHI's Tiny House Village SODO warehouse. LIHI board president Melinda Nichols stands to the right, flanked by volunteers from Sound Foundations Northwest.

Governor Inslee placed housing and homelessness at the top of his list of priorities for 2023, creating a 4-billion dollar proposal to address housing. In an interview with KOMO News, LIHI Executive Director Sharon Lee said that housing should be an important priority for the state going forward. "We have this terrible situation of really high housing costs, not enough affordable housing and this expanding growing homeless population," Lee told KOMO. "the idea that you can provide immediate housing, you can buy buildings, you can re-purpose underutilized hotels and get people safe and off these dangerous locations."


1 Comment

Rolando Okuneva
Rolando Okuneva
Feb 17

Dr. King's powerful words from 1966 still resonate today as we fight for justice and equality. Don't forget to play basket random and have fun.


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