Dear Friend of LIHI,
This is a magical time of the year. We wish you and your family Peace and Joy! Thank you for helping people who need shelter, housing and a friendly place to shower and wash clothes.
At LIHI as we enter our 28th year, we continue to provide innovative solutions to the housing and homelessness crisis. With your support, we are grateful for:
SHOWERS, RESTOOMS, and LAUNDRY for homeless people at three Urban Rest Stops located in downtown Seattle, Ballard and the University District. Sixty percent of the homeless we serve are working part or full-time and the Rest Stops help people keep their job, apply for housing, and maintain their health and dignity.
The City of Seattle supports 66% of the costs of operating Urban Rest Stops and we have to raise $430,000. Your gift will help keep the Rest Stops open: you can help thousands of people get ready for work, school, and other activities!
OVER 300 TINY HOUSES have sheltered over a thousand families, singles and couples in ten tiny house villages around Seattle. We are about to open our first village in Olympia. Well-managed, sanctioned tiny house villages create safe places for vulnerable people who would otherwise have to sleep unprotected on the streets. LIHI social workers help people obtain employment, healthcare and housing. High praise to the extraordinary effort from high schools, technical colleges, tribes, apprenticeship programs, church groups, businesses, Girls Scouts, Boy Scouts, and the many many volunteers who build and donate tiny houses. Each house costs $2,500. Over the past three years, hundreds of people at the villages have obtained housing and secured employment. Come visit the tiny house villages.
HOMES FOR THOSE WITH NONE – In 2018 we moved 226 people from homelessness into LIHI housing. We moved 171 people from Tiny Houses into long-term housing.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMPLETED – The Tony Lee Apartments in the Lake City Neighborhood of Seattle opened in September, featuring 70 affordable units and a four-classroom preschool.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION – We are nearing completion of Renton Commons, which will feature 48 apartments for homeless families and veterans located in downtown Renton. We recently broke ground on Little Saigon Family Housing: 69 affordable apartments located in Seattle’s International District. Includes street level retail and LIHI offices on first floor.
THOUSANDS OF VOLUNTEERS have donated their talent and time to help LIHI at the Urban Rest Stops, build tiny houses, read books to children, help with summer camp, prepare meals for ten tiny house communities, and help our families, seniors and veterans.
Please consider a year-end gift to the Low Income Housing Institute to support life-changing programs.
Warmly and best wishes for the holidays!
